Some of you must be maintaining one or many blogs or websites. The common problem many web masters face is on where to host their images used in their blog/websites. Some websites offer this service but with limited bandwidth, some have paid services, some have limited uploading facilities. So to get a service which gives both i.e, unlimited hosting and unlimited bandwidth is hard. But no more. You can either use Facebook or Blogger to host your images and CAN GET DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK OF YOUR...
If you are a part-time blogger and owns a blog which is hosted on blogger, then the first thing which you could want to do is to convert your blog layout to a professional looking website. You can either edit the XML file yourself or you could choose to use a template designed by others. If you have no idea of XML editing and neither you want to use a template created by other, then hopefully there's a way to convert your blog into a website.
Hey, guys are you the one who always wanted to have thousands and thousands of friends on your Facebook profile? If yes, then you are on the right place! We have just written a article on "How-To have thousands of Facebook friends" and it will get featured on Forward Computing world if we receive more than expected reply to this thread!
The everyday PC user doesn't think much about its PC and problems that can cause critical damage to their data or other stuffs stored on Hard drive and other electronic parts until the problem actually occurs. Once a failure happens, the repairs can be costly and very time-consuming and one also have to sacrifice their data stored on hard drives if the damage is more severe!